Total Body Analysis/Advanced Kinesiology
Allergies, Physical Diagnosis, Muscle Testing and Bioenergetics
Total Body Analysis (TBA) allows a trained practitioner to find the cause of the problem and make a custom antidote to correct that cause. TBA gets the body working the way God intended and takes a very different approach to health and healing. TBA is a system born out of the need to help people achieve wellness. Rather than using a specific technique or therapy, TBA focuses on eliminating the cause of the symptom.
Traditionally speaking, Kinesiology, or human kinetics, is the scientific study of human movement. It addresses physiological, mechanical, and psychological mechanisms. In the 1960's, Dr. George Goodheart made observations about muscle function and health and introduced Applied Kinesiology. This method is very different than traditional kinesiology. The International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) was founded in 1975 to provide instruction on Goodheart's research to interested health care professionals. He was the first chiropractor to serve on the U. S. Olympic Medical Team in 1980, and in 2001, Goodheart was placed onto Time's List of the Top 100 Alternative Medicine Innovators of the 21st Century.
Applied kinesiology (AK), also known as muscle testing or muscle response testing, is a method of determining neurological feedback in the field of alternative medicine. The essential premise of applied kinesiology is that every organ dysfunction is accompanied by a weakness in a specific corresponding muscle. It is referred to as the viscerosomatic relationship. This can be evaluated by manual testing of muscle strength, thus the name, muscle testing. Essentially, the strength of a specific muscle can be tested manually. What Goodheart did was identify the relationship between the muscles of the body and the correlation between specific organs and functions. The health of internal organs and functions dictates the amount of strength that given muscle will have. He also found that introduction of any particular item to the body (food, supplement, etc.), produced a change in microcurrent, which effects the strength of that muscle. The reaction makes the muscle stronger, weaker, or has little effect at all, giving the practitioner an idea of how the body will react on a certain food, supplement or therapy simply by doing the muscle test.
TBA practitioners use an advanced version of kinesiology developed by Dr. DeHaan to monitor microcurrent changes occurring in the body. Each TBA practitioner has a complex set of vials, with each vial representing an item that may be causing or contributing to a given health concern. The vials are used with this advanced form of kinesiology to detect the microcurrent changes, thus revealing the areas that need support, detox, etc.
In order to really understand how muscle testing, or kinesiology works, to understand the science, one must understand the principle of Quantum Physics. Many chapter of a book have been dedicated to this process, so it cannot be shared fully on this page. Please refer to Book 04, by Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan for a more in depth description.
Bioenergetics analysis is a form of body psychotherapy (body-oriented Reichian psychotherapy), but adding a number of innovations. These innovations include emphasis on the importance of "grounding" (i.e. being in strong contact with the ground through feet and legs) and on psychoanalytic theories such as transference, counter transference, dreams, slips of the tongue and Oedipal issues. The idea behind current bioenergetics practice is that blocks to emotional expression and wellness are revealed and expressed in the body as chronic muscle tensions which are often subconscious.[4] The blocks are treated by combining bioenergetically designed physical exercises, affective expressions and palpation of the muscular tensions. Bioenergetics therapy is a harmonizing therapy that involves relaxation techniques. The bioenergetics psychotherapists/certified practitioners believe that there is an association between the mind and the body.
The unsurpassed BEMER signal sets a new standard in the industry with its complex, carefully tuned configuration and timing. Nearly two decades of research and development have resulted in BEMER’s unique bio-rhythmically defined signal. This signal is patent-protected, a feat of German engineering, and used exclusively by BEMER. Complex calculations and processes are the basis of the signal’s creation by the B.Box control unit. The signal is then transmitted to the application module for delivery into the body.
PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. Devices that use PEMF technology for therapy produce electromagnetic fields with various waveforms and frequencies in order to support the body’s natural recovery process. The effectiveness of these waves depend on specific parameters to target our cell tissues. Much like a musical song that has a specific melody, rhythm and tempo, PEMF therapy devices deliver waves in an organized sequence (melody), at specific frequencies (rhythm) set to a certain pulse (tempo). The role of electricity in our body is to send messages to different organs, such as the brain, heart and liver. These electrical signals exist in our cells, which can weaken over time. When cells weaken, they cannot effectively deliver nutrients throughout the body or remove metabolic waste, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog and pain. PEMF technology stimulates these weakened cells to help them function more efficiently, and thus, helping the body recover naturally.
Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic Medicine is a system of medicine that views the body as having a vital force (life energy) and that illness occurs when this vital force has been weakened and the stronger vital force of an illness or disease has taken hold in the body. By taking a minute dose of a remedy whose characteristic features resemble the presenting symptom picture (set of symptoms) of the disease, the frequency of that remedy will be enough to subtly strengthen the vital force of the patient, which can bring them to a stronger state in order to balance out the illness or disease. By using minute doses that have been diluted through serial dilutions, we move farther away from a material substance and more towards the energetic imprint of the original substance.
Botanical Medicine
Botanical Medicine is a general term for using plants for the healing properties they possess. Before modern medicine and the ability to isolate and synthesize specific molecules to use as targeted drugs, all medicines were derived from the earth, especially from plants. My approach to utilizing plants as medicine combines knowledge from traditional western herbalism and medical herbalism.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is very different from our western medical understandings of the body. This system of medicine is based on the understanding that the body, mind and spirit is a system of energy and thus cannot be separated from one another. The body is viewed as having a system of meridians (pathways) and that energy flows along these meridians, through individual organs and throughout the body. Disease manifests when energy flow is disrupted or altered or when the body is attacked by pathogenic factors. By utilizing diet, herbs, energy exercises and acupressure one is able to restore the proper flow of energy throughout the body, stimulate healing and bring balance back to the body to improve health.
Clinical Nutrition/Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition is the foundation of life. We cannot heal without proper nutrition. Nutrition should be the primary focus of any system of medicine. Without proper nutrition the body will be lacking in essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and a variety of other essential components needed for physiological functioning. Unfortunately, many of the public are unaware how unhealthy their diets are and what they are lacking in nutrition. The media, marketing and convenience of certain food choices have lead our society to believe they are eating just fine when this is far from the truth. Along with dietary advice and education, clinical nutrition fills in the gaps with supplementation to ensure adequate nutrient levels are being achieved to optimize health.
Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT Tapping
The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and most highly recommend to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.
Remove Negative Emotions
Reduce Food Cravings
Reduce or Eliminate Pain
Implement Positive Goals
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive affirmations.
This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear the "short-circuit" - the emotional block -- from your body's bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.
Some people are initially wary of these principles that EFT is based on - the electromagnetic energy that flows through the body and regulates our health is only recently becoming recognized in the West. Others are initially taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT tapping and affirmation methodology, whose basics you will learn here.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of Meridian Tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results. From pain relief, to healing childhood traumas, to clearing limiting financial beliefs, to weight loss, body image and food cravings, to fears and phobias, Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well-researched and easy to learn and apply technique. Tapping utilizes the body’s energy meridian points by stimulating them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power. Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With Tapping, you can take control of that power.
Life Style Counseling and Mind-Body Medicine
Lifestyle counseling and mind-body medicine are essential components of health. Our thoughts and emotions are directly related to the health of our bodies. Illnesses will arise in the body as a direct consequence of negative emotions or thoughts that are repressed or not being properly expressed or dealt with. As well, poor lifestyle choices directly affect the health of our body, mind and spirit. By addressing how the choices we make affect us, unexpressed or improperly expressed emotions, how we relate to the world and to others, behavioral patterns and reactions, as well as, life goals and aspirations, we can then develop ways to make better choices, minimize stress reactions, and live a more balanced, healthier, happier life.
Raindrop Therapy / Reflexology
Raindrop Technique® combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This collection provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony to the body - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The Vita Flex Technique is a superior form of Reflexology. Reflexology, as used today, has a tendency to ground out electrical charge from the constant compression and rotation, which causes cell separation, loss of oxygen to sub-dermal tissue and further injury. With the Vita Flex technique, people experience less discomfort.
Using the thumb and all four fingers, the application is much more efficient. There are more than 5000 Vita Flex points throughout the body (in the complete system as developed by Stanley Burroughs) in comparison to the 365 acupuncture used in reflexology.. With Vita Flex, the weakened or injured areas are corrected on reflected points, thereby preventing further injury.
Vita Flex therapy is based on a small part of a complete system, developed by Stanley Burroughs during a period of over 50 years of research and application. Vita Flex uses the reflex system of internal body controls to release tensions, congestions and mal-adjustments. When properly applied through specific application of hand rotation movements and control points, a vibrational healing energy is released along the neuro-electrical pathways to an exact point.
This healing energy is created by the contact between the fingertips and the reflex contact points. The resulting spark of energy follows the neuro pathways of the nervous system to where there is a break in the electrical circuit. Upon reaching the break, any necessary changes are made automatically.
Quantum Touch Therapy
Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also known as chi in Chinese and prana in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings.
Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.
Quantum-Touch is an effective method for reducing back pain , realigning structure, balancing organs, glands and systems, reducing muscle aches, healing injuries, healing burns, and so much more.
Quantum-Touch is easy enough to be learned by children, yet powerful enough to astound physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and a host of health professionals.
One of the real joys of this work is that we truly dont know the limits of what is possible. Your love has tremendous impact to benefit those around you.
"Quantum-Touch has become integrated into my practice of surgery for breast cancer patients. Pain is reduced, scars heal faster, spasms relax, depression and fear turn to hope and healing, and patients are aware that they are loved as well as receiving quallity surgical care."
Ionic Detox Footbath
Creates energy by altering the electron and proton load in the water to create an electromagnetic environment or "Bio-energetically" altered water environment in which the patient places his or her feet to experience the donation of appropriate ions. The donation of appropriate ions increases the body's energetics or simply translated "life-energy".
Within the human body there are energy channels known as meridians. These meridians provide a pathway for energy to flow to or from a particular organ (i.e. liver, kidney, etc.) These pathways begin or end at points on the feet or hands. A person's current state of health is determined by how well the energy in the body flows through those meridians.
Bioenergetics is important because the amount of energy a person has and the balance of energy contributes to the capacity of the body.
Direct current and ions provide energy that is sub-threshold, meaning that the patient generally will not feel the treatment. This energy is very similar to micro current and cold laser therapy (see www.Erchonia.com), both of which have been proven to increase and create more cellular ATP. This increase in cellular ATP allows the cell to work and detoxify at a higher rate. Increasing the cells' ability to work at a higher rate will allow the cell to withstand stressors either physical or chemical.
Sound Energy Healing - Resetting
This is energy healing and sound therapy by SomaEnergetics. This is a series of Sound Therapy Techniques developed by David Hulse at the turn of the century using the power of the ancient frequencies via our custom made solfeggio tuning forks.
Herbal & Gemstone Infused Ear Coning
Ear Coning: Coning is simply a catalyst to stimulate the respiratory system to clear itself. It is also a powerful auric cleanser, which makes other bodywork more effective.
A wonderful side effect is deep relaxation… it stimulates the anti stress acupuncture point in the auditory canal. The benefit may be the renewed clarity, sensitivity and focus you get after a coning. The deep nerve relaxation is pretty amazing. The sense of release is unlike anything else. Body workers and chiropractors have noted that their work holds better after the client has been coned.
We can do a lot to help ourselves. Digestion and respiratory troubles are directly connected.
The link is the mucous membranes. Mucous membrane inflammation in the stomach can cause catarrh, which is acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes with hyper secretion. Lots of mucous. Chronic inflammation of the Eustachian tube, blocked with mucous, can lead to progressive deafness. Also, fluid in the Eustachian tube creates lower pressure in the tube. Outside pressure will push the eardrum inwards causing moderate deafness, buzzing noises, pain, discomfort and the sensation of the ear being full.

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